Neutral Earth Resistor Monitor
SE-330HV Series
The Littelfuse SE-330HV is an advanced earth fault and neutral earthing resistor monitoring relay that measures neutral current, neutral-to-earth voltage, and neutral-to-earth resistance. Use it for high-voltage applications.
One of the leading types of neutral earthing products, the SE-330HV, provides continuous monitoring of the neutral-to-earth path to verify that the neutral-earthing resistor (NGR) is intact and that it has not been bypassed or shorted. An open NGR renders current-sensing earth-fault protection inoperative and could result in a false belief that the system is functioning properly. A shorted NGR results in higher-than-expected earth-fault current.
The SE-330 can be used with low and medium-voltage transformers and generators with low or high-resistance earthing used in processing, manufacturing, chemical, pulp and paper, petroleum, and water-treatment facilities.
For applications that require conformance to Australian standards, use the SE-330AU.
New revision additional features
100 trip records with date and time stamp.
A mini-USB interface to view measured values, configure settings and check event records using SE-MON330 v3.2 or later.
An on-board microSD card (included) can be used for long term data logging and firmware upgrades.
Earth-fault trip level is adjustable from 2 to 100% in 10 discrete settings, and in 1% increments when using the MEM setting and SE-MON330 v3.2 or later.
Dual Ethernet ports are optionally available with support for fiber and RJ45 interfaces.
IEC 61850 protocol is optionally available.
We are the exclusive NSW supplier of Littelfuse protection relays and controls for the protection, safe control and distribution of electrical power in industrial applications.
Continuous NGR monitoring
IEEE # 3 Detects resistor failure within seconds, reduces transient-overvoltage risk, removes risk of earth-fault-detection failure.
Shorted NGR detection
EEE # 3 Detects an earth fault on the neutral that could bypass the resistor, ensures fault current is not higher than expected.
Earth-fault detection
IEEE # 50G/N, 51G/N, 59N Main or backup protection to detect an earth fault anywhere on the monitored system.
Adjustable pickup (2-100%)
Select greatest sensitivity without false operation, adjustable in 1% increments (MEM setting).
Adjustable time delay (0.1-10 s)
Adjustable trip delay allows quick protection and system coordination.
Universal CT compatibility
Allows the use of a CT that gives required earth-fault settings.
Programmable output contacts
Two programmable Form C and One programmable Form A (Earth Fault, Resistor Fault, Unit Health).
Selectable contact operating mode
Selectable fail-safe or non-fail-safe operating modes allows connection to shunt or undervoltage breaker coil or alarm circuit (K1, K2, and K3 output contacts).
Analog output (4-20 mA)
Connect an optional PGA-0520 meter or control system earth-fault-location circuit.
Trip records
On-board 100-event (with date and time) recorder helps with system diagnostics.
Harmonic filtering (DFT)
Eliminate false trips due to harmonic noise from ASDs.
Local communications
Mini USB port to view measured values, configure settings, and check event records.
Data logging
On-board microSD card (included) can be used for long-term data logging.
Network communications
Remotely view measured values and event records, reset trips, and cause a remote trip. Available Protocol Options include: - IEC 61850 - with dual RJ45, SC Fiber and RJ45, or Dual SC Fiber Interface - Modbus TCP and Ethernet/IP - with dual RJ45, SC Fiber and RJ45, or Dual SC Fiber Interface - DeviceNet - with CAN interface
Selectable reset mode
Selectable latching or auto-reset operation.
Unit-healthy output
Verifies SE-330 is operating correctly, available as Form A or Form B output contact.
Conformal coating
Internal circuits are conformally coated to protect against corrosion and moisture
Data Sheets and Manuals
Changes to SE-330SE-330 Data Sheet (previous version)SE-330HV Data Sheet (updated version)SE-330HV Manual (updated version)SE-330HV Manual (previous version)SE-330HV DeviceNet Electronic Datasheet EDS (new version)SE-330HV DeviceNet Electronic Datasheet EDS (previous version)SE-330 EthernetIP electronic Datasheet (new version)SE-330 EthernetIP electronic Datasheet (previous version)SE-330 DeviceNet Manual (previous version) SE-330 EthernetIP Manual (previous version) SE-330 Profibus Manual (previous version)
Software and Manuals
SE-MON330 v4.0 SoftwareSE-MON330 v4.0 Software Manual
CAD Drawings and Models
ER-15Kv 3D ModelER-25kv CAD Drawing